Taos Gallery Artist Business Workshops
A good deal on business and marketing workshops for artists at The Taos Gallery, in partnership with the NM Small Business Development Center. All workshops $10, unless marked free, and all from 9:00 am to noon, with presenter Julianna Barbee, SBDC Director, unless another time/presenter is noted. Contact The Taos Gallery to register.
April 30 – Basic Bookkeeping for Artists. With Ida Carrillo, SBDC Associate Director.
May 14 – Marketing “You” the Artist.
May 19 – **FREE** Gross Receipts Tax Workshop. 1:00 to 4:00 pm. With the New Mexico Taxation & Revenue Department. (Oh Joy. But you know you’ve gotta do it.)
May 28 – Pricing Your Art.
June 18 – Websites for Artists.