Pocket a free Visa or Mastercard Gift Card when you board the weekend Winter Wonderland Express. A $25 gift card for 2 tickets purchased; $75 gift card on 4 tickets; $125 gift card on 6 tickets.
Offer valid to April 25 2009, or while gift cards last, on regular priced dome car tickets for the Winter Wonderland Express, running Sat and Sun, 9:00 a.m. round trip out of Alamosa, CO, to La Veta, with an hour at La Veta for lunch/browsing. Not valid for tour groups, or Easter/Mother’s Day trains. Call 1-877-726-RAIL and give the promo code “Cold Cash”. Alamosa is about 90 miles north of Taos, a gorgeous drive, and the rail ride to La Veta should be mighty purty through the snow.